While the game is very fun to play, it would be even more fun if it were updated, expanded beyond PlayStation and Xbox consoles to Mac and PC as well. On the other hand, if you've rinsed everything from Modern Warfare 2 and are seeking a new challenge worthy of your skills, it has come at just the right time.We are petitioning for Electronic Arts to remake the 2003 game Alien Vs Predator: Extinction which is a real-time strategy game. Despite that, if your primary experience of gaming took place on the Wii, you'll find it impossibly frustrating. But be warned: Aliens vs Predator is very much a game for the hardcore, even though it is much more forgiving than the original – demonstrating how the definition of hardcore has imperceptibly shifted, as with all other aspects of gaming, towards the mainstream in the past 11 years. Whichever species you fancy, you'll find something enjoyable online – you can opt for single-species face-offs if you like. But perhaps the game's biggest strength is the joy of playing as the predator, with his all-round hunting skills and flashy visual effects. When playing as alien or predator, you must take a stealthier approach (the alien levels add an element of puzzle-solving, as you work out how to traverse labyrinthine tunnel in order to pick off isolated marines).

The end result is three games – albeit short ones – for the price of one. The marines, meanwhile, operate much like the protagonists of any other first-person shoot-em-up, with lashings of firepower but no other discernibly superhuman skills. The aliens are fantastically quick and can run up walls and ceilings, but have to get close to enemies in order to launch attacks.